Location: ?
Year: 2020
Role: Design Director
Team: Gensler, Turner Ramirez Architects

This is a project for an institutional client. The client will dedicate the lobby space to Hector P. Garcia to honor his memory. When studying Mr. Garcia's story, we understood that he had no intention of becoming a political figure. His primary intent was to help the Latino community that, at the time, was fighting to be treated as equals in a society that did not recognize them. His actions gained momentum, and results were noticeable. With time, he became an influential figure that shaped the Hispanic community's future not only in Texas but in the entire country.

We liked his story as the rock in a stream of water. The stone is not fighting the flow but adjusting to it, but its actions and presence impact its surroundings. This force is visible by the water flowing around the rock, not only shaping what's close to it but also shaping the stone itself.

Translating this concept, we envisioned the Hector P. Garcia space with a smooth glass surface, centered in the lobby, letting the flow of people around it to discover it. The flowing movement is accentuated by the ceiling baffles and lines in the floor.

