Location: Asunción, Paraguay
Area: 3.444 SF
Year: 2024
Role: Architect
Team: MuCi, Museo de Ciencias
Luis Ayala, AIA
Stephanie Wherry, AIA
Photography: Mariella & Luis Ayala, AIA

San Cosmos, a MuCi* Planetarium

A textile warehouse built in 1935 was the chosen vessel to host the first digital planetarium constructed in Paraguay.

While working through the beginning sketches, we realized that the 8 meter dome barely fit within the existing structure and “everything revolved around him”. This play on words sparked a connection to a planet, to the gravity of it and the concentric paths around it - a voyage through space.

The mesmerizing sounds of Hans Zimmer’s “Dreaming of the Crash” from the film Interstellar played on an infinite loop in the office. We imagined walls inspired by Richard Serra that would compress the space and then release the travelers into the void where they would discover 6 satellite projectors hidden within the stars.

Discovery guided by the element of surprise is the essence of this experience. Once a textile warehouse, and later, leased by a television studio, the space is today a launchpad into an interstellar voyage.

A violet portal summons travelers through the aged exterior brick into a bright reception area where they are sent of on their journey. Passing through a dark tunnel, visitors hear a NASA launch countdown that is accompanied by the explosive blasting of rocket afterburners. Once they reach the end of the tunnel, they discover the planets from space. Here the voyagers are greeted by a stunning silence that is interrupted only by the beeps of the spaceship transporting them.

The abyss is dark and profound.

The travelers orbit a dome projecting high definition images of the planets. As a second surprise, they encounter a door that brings them into the planetarium where they find “silla cable” chairs, a version of  typical Paraguayan reclining chairs. A wink from the designers, reminding the passengers that this space ship is Guarani and with pride.

*MuCi, Museo de Ciencias


Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church